What love looks like

What love looks like

My love comes home to me having a brutal day.
No time for a quick wave, no eye contact as he comes in the door.
I’m dead-eye focused on the person on the screen.

Off the call, type type type, not quite cat on keyboard but I’m damn near close.

Register distant noises upstairs, some banging, clanging.
Footsteps coming down the stairs, bright eyes.
It’s always his eyes I notice first.
Been that way from the moment I first saw him in the bar.

A smooch, a sense of excitement, a “I have a snack for you” as he leaves my office.

Finish typing, kick off my slippers, walk up the stairs.
Halfway up, the smell hits.
Ooh, something smells good
Maybe he made something for himself or maybe I missed the smell the whole day.

He’s standing at the counter, grinning.
Points to the counter in front of him.
Perfectly fried dumplings on a plate.
Fork arranged, sauce arranged. Napkin at the ready.

It takes me a moment.
You made me dumplings?
I wanted you to have snacks, as he hands me the fork.

This is what love looks like.
A mid-day Tuesday surprise snack.
My love with bright eyes, hugs and kisses, and that special smile that’s for me alone.
Feeding me, loving me, shooing me back to work.
This what what love looks like.
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