Sometimes you live no particular way but your own

Sometimes you live no particular way but your own

This one took me four tries.

The first started as a path. I’ve never been on a path in my life. I’m a point myself in a general direction and then go exploring kind of person. That ended up looking like this - a mass of chaos. Accurate but not pretty.

So I tried again. I thought, let me do some swirls with some switch backs, because that happens. Except for me. I don’t go back. You can’t go back, you can never go back. It felt like I was forcing it.

Then I tried a landscape with a woman walking by herself. Nope. Another lie. I’ve never been on a journey alone. There’s always another human who says something, writes something, is something that provides direction or warning.

The fourth attempt was a 2am wake up. The center of me. Sometimes you live no particular way but your own is listening to me, even when other loud voices are telling me something else. Even when all I see are other people walking a path.

It’s knowing and trusting that core Me-ness. Living so that radiates out as much as it can.

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