I sleep in red

I sleep in red

I sleep in red.


My heart doesn’t slow down.

My breath doesn’t deepen.


My hummingbird heart races.

My brief breath barely expands my belly.


I sleep ready to fight.

I sleep ready to kill.


My body stays alert.

My adrenaline primed in the pump.


I sleep in red

because I live in red.



Sometimes my brain cooks things I’m not aware of.

It’s like walking into a house and smelling cookies but

You can’t find the kitchen.


I created these pieces because I smelled my brain cookies.

It wasn’t until this morning that I found the theme.


I sleep in red.

It comes from a story from my parents.

A military guy was explaining military readiness during an interview.

  • Green - totally not aware.
  • Yellow - there is something to be concerned about.
  • Orange - danger, ready to kill.
  • Red - killing.


The interviewer asked him about his state of readiness

He responded “I sleep in orange.”


I track my body feedback.

My body stress levels stay in the red.

Even when I sleep.

Even when I’m safe.

Even when I think I’m relaxing.


My body is speaking to me.

It’s insisting I get my shit together and dial it down.

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