Flowers of...Burnout feels

Flowers of...Burnout feels

Negative feelings don't have to look negative.

Burnout feels…

My ass dragging 15 feet behind me.

My heart rate spiking over 105 from just standing up and walking to the kitchen.

My lower back spasms as I bend down to tie my shoe.

My right side rib throbbing.

An obsession with 5 new pounds.

Hair floating down, detaching, leaping off my head to cover every surface I pass.

Waking at every creak and pop of the house.

Yoga is the same thing as scaling Mt Everest.

Panting during my morning neighborhood walk.

My body craves a break. A stop. It’d even take a brief ‘wait, I need a moment.’

My brain could give a shit.

It wants to scenario plan, think of the future, push push push.

Even when the thought of writing words makes me shrivel into a dried out raisin.

Makes me have one more thing to do. Cookies for the snacks, meal planning, order this, research that, this appointment, that appointment, submit here, post now.

Reading gives me an outlet. A place where my body is resting and my mind is engaged.

Flower arranging does it too.

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