Comfort in unseen

Comfort in unseen

She told me I stopped listening.

I told her I was afraid of what I’d hear.

Stillness was stagnation.

If I wasn’t hunting and searching for paths,
If I wasn’t forging and pulling them into existence with sheer will,
Would I be stuck, rooted forever?

Her look said enough.

I laid down, music a heart opening frequency.

Lights turned off, one by one, until I was in the dark.

You used to be afraid of the dark, now it’s restful, she said.
Sit in darkness, paths will reveal themselves to you.

Millions of opportunities, possible paths surround me.
I stopped searching, stopped straining to see in the blackness.

Eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, slower than I wanted.
I saw sparks of light and paths that were brighter and clearer than others.
Showing paths I would have overlooked,
Would have passed by as too difficult, too uncharted, too unfamiliar, too fantastic.

In the still dark, they find me.
Stillness expands me.
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