My lungs play music in my belly.
I inhale, belly expands and gurgles.
I exhale, intestines compress.
Air, food, stuff grinds together making a bubbling gurgling effervescent flutter.
A flutter that should move along, should burble its way down the path.
But it stays where it is.
My love, sitting next to me, smiles at the sounds.
My lungs bubble my stomach.
My breathing releases, compresses, releases, compresses.
My intestines are at the mercy of the space and pressure put on them from above.
I sit in discomfort
As my belly sings to me.
Her melody composed of hidden fears, locked away feelings, collapsing dreams
Of not letting go, choosing to stand defiant.
My lungs expand, slowing my heart rate, calming the vibrations.
Move along move along, I whisper.
Let go let go, she sings back.